Financing Solutions For Business
We custom design our services with your business in mind. Whether you need financing for expansion, transitioning your business or re-structuring, we are here to help your business obtain the appropriate financing. Forbes Capital and Treasury Advisory Inc. has two areas of focus to add value to your business; debt and treasury.
Debt :On the debt-side we secure or restructure financing for your business. We run a competitive process with several suitable lenders and then provide a simplified presentation highlighting key points of interest from each of the offerings. We review debt structures and agreements to ensure they are aligned with the assets being financed and conditions that are fair. We provide industry insights to ensure your costs of borrowing are reasonably aligned with your risk rating. Our expertise and in-depth knowledge of banks borrower risk rating (BRR) systems and return on capital targets (RAROC) enables us to offer you a level of transparency to be confident you have secured the best deal for your organization, and provides a tool to help us advocate for improvements on your behalf.
Treasury: In the context of treasury management we review your cash management services, including deposit account interest, bank fees and service charges to identify and remedy inefficiencies improving your overall banking experience. With our extensive networks, RFP experience and database of client relationship pricing structures, we empower you to ensure your organization gets the banking relationship that works best for you.
Some examples of our niche expertise are listed below. Contact us for details:
• Running RFP process for Non-profit and Not for Profit Companies treasury services
• Leveraging non-traditional assets to free up working capital
• Securing financing for Bootstrapping start-ups
• Expansion financing
• Transition or Acquisition financing
• Alternative financing

Traditional Bank Financing
At FORBES CAPITAL we work with major financial institutions across North America to provide access to capital for our customers. We aim to expedite growth by efficiently sourcing a financial provider that best meets your business’ needs. Our experience enables us to accurately assess the various criteria required by lenders and connect your business with the best partner based on company size, location, and industry. We use our proven risk-assessment and mitigation methodologies to increase the probability of approval.
Other Traditional Financing areas we can help with include:
- Lines of Credit for Working Capital
- CSBFL (Small business) loans
- Trade finance
- Financing receivables
- Purchase order financing
- Letters of guarantee
- Tender loans
- Revolving Term loans

Capital For Expansion
- Construction loans
- Leasehold improvement financing
- Equipment financing
- Other asset acquisitions

Business Transition Financing
- Equity take out
- Vendor take back
- Management buy out/ 3rd party buy out
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Growth and Transition financing

Alternative Financing assistance includes:
- Asset based lending including: inventory and receivables as well as other assets
- Accounts receivables factoring
- Royalty financing
- Consulting on land and agricultural purchases/refinances
- Private sources of funding